
Thank you to those who support me via my Paypal account: The government doesn't read my poetry. You do. Out of over 560 poems here on this blog by me, I hope you find one or more you like. Thank you for my readers. Thank you for your comments.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025



Snow falls on an uncleaned porch
Kids knock to offer service
With their shovels
I have no money
To pay their price
Opening the door
still snowing
The porch would have been
Who would charge
To remove the new snow
I wait for the sun
Luckily still free
But you can bet
Someone tries to charge
For the open space to sun
LIke they do for the machinery
That cleans the streets
After the snow flies
Ah, the layers of government
In service of the economy
That won't send boys
To shovel my ramp
But who would visit me
And where would I go
The boys who want money
Would charge me for their use
Of my snow covered porch 
That no one will visit until
I don't know when

Barry G. Wick

Sunday, February 2, 2025



There is no rest in death
It takes effort to never breathe 
Just try to stop decay
It's terribly tiring
Then there's the dark
Provided your body was found
And coffinated 
Can you believe it
There are people who want
To be dead
They accept being turned
Into ash
Then it's death as cement
Or some kind of clay fixture
Here's uncle Bob
He became a statue of Venus
Well he always was that way
He just loved shiny silk and such
Some go to space
It wasn't enough to be dead on earth
I suppose they couldn't take
The constant tears and wails
Having given some thought
I want to be loved by dogs
Where they leave their excrement
On some grassy ground
Chasing a ball
And maybe just maybe
Chewing on my bones

Barry G Wick

Saturday, January 11, 2025

The intruding world

The intruding world

Here comes another bill
For healthcare needs
Another shock
When after fears
Of losing leg
Became a scream
To wake up to the
Last of life
The last days
The last week's unsure
It's just today buster
It's just now
When all I want is silence
The silence of Ramana Maharshi
When these words written
Or spoken or thought
Fail to live the way I do

Barry G. Wick

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Grey Day

Grey Day

Sitting staring

The window spotted

A screen blotted here

This is a wait

For any change

In a darkened sky

Winters finger

In your eye

Barry G. Wick



Large flakes of snow
Fall on Iowa
These are reminders
Of the flakes of ash
That fell on Nagasaki
I feel their heat
As I wonder why
This comes to mind
Is it history
Or a forecast 
Of the fires to come

Barry G. Wick

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Too late to love

Too late to love

Now photos take me
Into the stream of love
From the past 
Visible to the world
Two images find me
Wishing for the hearts
Of two men
One an indigenous man
In his decorations
And breechcloth
The other a cowboy
From earlier times
Neither would look twice
At me if we'd met
Both years dead
I see them now
With love 
After this no living man
Will hug or kiss me
Knowing photos
Have captured my dreams
I would toss them all away
For any man to hold my hand

Barry G. Wick

Tuesday, December 10, 2024



We have to dance even if we sway

In our wheeled chairs

We have to sing even if we just hum

We have to know art

Even if we only feel sculpture or

Touch a wall hanging made of rope

With tin cans full of dents

Many feelings fall from us

The fruits that grow

From the rain of lìfe

Barry G. Wick

Saturday, November 30, 2024



Every day is a little stranger you get to know.  You live with this stranger and all it's quirks and foibles.  It's likes and dislikes.  And then it goes away as suddenly as it came.  Some of the strangers you miss.

Barry G. Wick

Letting Go

Letting Go

Make mistakes
Or do what is right
It's always a combination
Of murky unknowns
There doesn't seem to be
Anybody that isn't questioned
Over decisions

When the end is near
Than what is wanted
Or when overwhelming life
Drips into your heart
There is a reminder
The every bullet
Creates a grievance
Every bomb an unending war

Barry G. Wick

Wednesday, November 13, 2024



In the dark of space
Floating in the dark of my life
Is Gustav Holst’s bringer of jollity
A gaseous giant
Circling the only star
We two have known
He's been seen by every life
Here on our world
I also am mostly gas
But not worthy of a laugh
I am hydrogen and oxygen
Jupiter's helium keeps him afloat
Just as my gassy thoughts
Keep me floating
I see you great godd
Holding your twinkling throne room
In the power of both day and night
You may be the Roman godd
Of lightning and power
Though my life has been simple
Lacking the power to make changes
I see my dear moons my friends 
Revolving around me
Undiscovered by Galileo
Yet I discover their love of me
Which seems to make no sense
We two have large spots
Yours is red and mine invisible
Perhaps the visible and Unseen
Are the same as each gives us
Strength and uniqueness
Of all about our orbits
My years will be shorter by far
But unlike you dear Jove
I'm on fire and you will never be
Until our sun expands to take you
Both our atoms will share some space
We are neighbors in the Universe
Ready to join whenever that year
Decides we are ready to love
And be loved by the other

Barry G. Wick