Thursday, December 23, 2021
Hosing It Away
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Sunday, December 12, 2021
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Racing Thoughts
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Banned in Texas
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Black Time
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Before Long
Before Long
When was that?
Or when will that be?
I stand in awe
Of the colors I see
In those two words.
The yellow of the fall grass
Where I'd sit on the knoll
South of my childhood home
On Hangmans Hill.
What dark green ponderosas
With black and gray bark
Torn to rose by finger nails
Stands in the way of my eyes
As I spent time thinking
Above the town where I grew
With no plans or dreams
Of my own.
I satisfied the dreams
Of others hoping I could
Feel a love for which
I searched and still do.
Did the radioactive rock
Deep beneath my chosen perch
Burn the drive out of me?
I'd look down upon the town
The descending path
Behind me with its curves
From the skyline above
Ends here with the redwood house
On my right and my future
On my left where the rain
Would cross the bands of hills
I could see in summer.
Is it long now, as my mind
Goes there to rest
In these lonely years?
Is it before long
When life's longest rest
Takes me to the edges
Of the universe?
This reverie in limbo
Has me dreaming
Of sitting here
In a past where my mind
Was blank of everything
That was important
Or could be.
I'll never really be
There again,
Alone, so alone,
Watching all that tiny life
from above
As if I were a godd
Unable to control anything.
It is the same now,
Without the browned grass
To pluck and place
On youthful lips,
Or tiny stones to toss
To the edge of this gentle mound
That comes to me from memory.
Barry G. Wick
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Night Travels
Night Travels
My dreams give me life
In the dark
I search for home
And fail to find it
Or am turned away
By people I don't know
Sometimes walking
Sometimes on a bicycle
I then search the night
For another place
I called home
There is no feeling worse
Than waking up
Having found nothing
To satisfy the desire
To return
Welcome to my search
I've found you
Rummaging through my thoughts
For what answer do you search?
I don't have it
Barry G. Wick
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Ten Thousand
Ten Thousand
Dance steps
the noisy kind that turn the head
through drifting picnics
on soft grass
The surprise of it
Note of music
soft passages with open windows
mixed dark dreams
lightning in clouds
water pressure released
Lines of yarn
blue and red on indigenous looms
to wrap a horse
with falls from grace
extended hands shunned
Frightened dogs
a pleasing yip of joy
the walkers stumble
climbers grab at straw
jars of beef broth
Wet finger tips
wrinkles in the cotton shirt
wilting chrysanthemums
squirrels chase in the yard
the vibrations of Bach
Barry G. Wick
Monday, June 14, 2021
It. (For Nancy)
Have you selected your "its"
It is a bottle of vodka
Filtered and re-distilled
It is an eclair with choco icing
It is stylish clothes
Or your newest friend
Who has your heart in a skip
There will come a day
When it won't matter
Any it will not matter
Oh you'll seek butterflies
And unicorns grazing
In fields of pale blue flowers
Their hooves flinging gold
Into a spring morning
When some it grabs you
With muscled arms
That enfold you
Only for a moment
Until you remember
It doesn't matter
This isn't surrender
Or giving up
This is acceptance
That this moment
Will be more important
Than the it that scrapes
Your remembrance
Of your first breath
And bright lights
In a cold room
When life became your it
Your focus changes
All those other its don't matter
They all release you
From your promises to them
This and that it doesn't matter
You are now free
To be
To be it
Barry G. Wick
Monday, June 7, 2021
Dear Readers and Friends,
Blogger by Google is changing. Instead of allowing you to received my poems, as you are one of my subscribers, via email, they are no longer going to allow that. I suspect the day is coming when I will no longer be posting here. None, the less, if you wish to see my poems when I publish them, please send your email address to and I will alert you when I've put a new poem up here.
You may or may not know that I am not a fan of the publishing world. I'm certain there are people smarter and more refined than I who bring small magazines and books of poems to the public. They are to be lauded. I hate rejection beyond everything. I've been rejected ao many times by editors that the pain of rejection is beyond my ability to stand it. Now, some will say, toughen those tits, Barry. Yeah, but after a life where I was always trying to be tough and never could be, well, maybe I hope you'll understand why I don't try an publish...sending out my simple ruminations into a dark world. Thank you for being among the view who read what I have to write. Remember, to send me your email address and I'll alert you.
Barry G. Wick
Sunday, June 6, 2021
Ancient Wisdom
Ancient Wisdom
(with thoughts of Lao Tzu)
Little thoughts have bounced
around my head
for years
Lao Tzu figured it out
thousands of years ago
In my old age I understand
what he wrote
in another way
or the same way
depending upon his age
One failure becomes two
Two failures becomes three
and three failures becomes
the ten thousand failures
Anything I write after that
is just trying to keep your attention
which is another failure
because you'll go on
and never remember me
which is one of my
ten thousand failures
Barry G. Wick
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Gauguin Weeps
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
We're suppose to think
we're free to think
to read
to see
to understand
When you get
a few years older
you'll recognize the limitations
imposed by higher powers
on your rights
Books films magazines
important information
all restricted items
you can't know
won't be known to you
unless you ask
for them
Enjoy what you think
is your freedom
You're not allowed to think
You're not allowed to decide
for yourself
You're not allowed to know
which is the basis of asking
for what you want to know
Be a good little slave
It's all that's left to you
Barry G. Wick
Monday, May 10, 2021
The Rules of Limitation
It is the way it is
because I say so
You are my chattel
You are my servant
This is what you are
from the day you are born
I allow you nothing
but what my thoughts
my rules and limitations
Don't like it
Then tell me from the day
you are born
and I'll release you
to the world
It's that simple
I'll put you in the street
for someone to pick you up
Oh can't talk or complain yet
That's the way I like it
You cry to be fed
Stop it
I'll feed you when I feel like it
Dirty diaper
When I can't stand the smell
I'll change you
Don't like living with me
tough kid I own you
unless on your day of birth
you told me different
you can't be what you want
you can't talk back to me
you can't do anything
unless I grant you permission
don't talk
what you say is unimportant
I have been everything to you
and will be forever
tiptoe into my presence
with your head bowed
yes you have to practice piano
I buy clothes for me
so I look beautiful
so I feel good about myself
I will drag you everywhere
I get satisfaction
for my own well being
You will go to shoe stores
You will go to fabric stores
You will go to my seamstress
You will go and be respectful
Keep your head bowed
and shut up
I buy clothes and shoes and
everything I want every week
You get what I give you
once a year
It's the least I can do
and too much for you
then you go to school
and learn all the rules
of the world around you
Add them to your inventory
You must believe in godd
It is the way we control you
inside your own mind
You will learn so much
about godd
that you will create your
own limitations
We like that you are limited
We like that we don't have
to make any more rules for you
You destroy your own soul
because that is what we were taught
about ourselves
Barry G. Wick
Monday, April 26, 2021
Love: the old poetic topic
Love: the old poetic topic
Feeling love is the problem
Feeling that another loves
is a really deep problem
A generalization: the people
who don't feel loved are
old people
and everybody else
Fat or thin
Able or disabled
Conscious or unconscious
Nobody feels loved
How do we change this?
If you have an answer
Please comment below
I haven't a clue
Barry G. Wick
Saturday, April 17, 2021
Afternoon Nap
Afternoon Nap
I decide to lay down
Saturday afternoon
With my buds in my ears
Listening to my jazz station
Out of California.
A yawn or two
And I'm out.
Then it's a dim club
I've been in too many.
I see a corner booth
Like Capone's
At the Green Mill
In Chicago.
I'm alone as
The waiter
Puts a string
Across the other
Opening which
Assures I'll be alone
I order a drink
Except I haven't
Had alcohol in years.
I sit there when
The waiter picks up
A phone adjacent
To the booth.
I grab a sawbuck
Sliding it towards
him pointing
First to the bill
Then to him
Indicating its his tip.
No response.
Then my eyes open
And I'm back on my bed.
Would my ten have worked
Like it did in Missoula?
Ending the night
With the handsome waiter
In my bed at the attached
Hotel on the river.
I doubt it.
Ten bucks meant more then.
Now I'm just a lonely
Old queer with nothing
In my last home
Waiting to die.
It's the pandemic
Of the 2020s
When anybody with
Half a mind is just as lonely.
My bed is a dark bar
Giving a queer drunk
Something from memory
Of younger days.
I had dreams then
In Chicago.
Now I'm just a lump
No man would look at.
Dreams now are just
As lonely as they were.
Though now ten dollars
Is food for three days
Not a night's warmed bed.
Why is this music
Still feeding my afternoon?
Hunger doesn't end
Like one night stands.
Dreams do end also.
They end in a sigh.
Barry G. Wick
Saturday, April 10, 2021
All the change
I now hate
Is filled with
My bad decisions
Mistakes and screw-ups
Everything is different
For me
It's my fault
My world is no joy
No hugs and no kisses
Boo hoo
So get over it shithead
It's why I chose
To be born
And why I decided
To live
Every time I wanted
To die
That time is coming
For me
So rather than making
It happen
I will let it when it does
Until then
Find a little bouquet
With no flowers
They're all around
It can be appreciated
Even with no odor
The smell of a rose
Is in the dirt somewhere
Barry G. Wick
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
I'm getting smaller
sliding away from all this
Each year is slippery
as the mind finds
new memories
to make pain
which didn't exist then
seem eternal and obvious
No one told me
lonely years hurt
So I tell you
Each moment comes back
Fill now with kindness
You may be forced
to explain to your
wandering mind
six questions you'd pay
a shrink to ask
to make you understand
all you ever did
Barry G. Wick