
Thank you to those who support me via my Paypal account: The government doesn't read my poetry. You do. Out of over 560 poems here on this blog by me, I hope you find one or more you like. Thank you for my readers. Thank you for your comments.

Saturday, August 24, 2024



I write to put poetry
Into the world
Put himself out of this world
He wrote when I did not

This remembers him
This apologizes for my mistake
I invited him for sex
It ended our friendship

He wrote better poetry
He would write better poetry
But he's no longer alive
To open his palette of images

I found out his absence 
Years after I had known him
An old friend dismissed
By time and wrongs

There would be no recovery
If he were still alive
As I retry that scene
That never fails to float

Barry G. Wick

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Painful Memory

Painful Memory 

The words march
Through this pain filled head
As images thunder 
On the street lined with history
How could this have been stopped
Certainly not at that distant time
It only would have been replaced
With another soul pounder
Dust is result
So maybe dust will stop it

There is a crush that comes
Over the hills of friendship
That is seen behind
Through life like picked weeds
They are seen in their death
Just because words were exchanged
Or arms and lips touched
Their lives ended because
What one of us said
Explained in the momentous feelings

Directed to leave this time
None of it happens
They remain as if endeared
To the crunch of bone
And the tearing of flesh
No matter what screams
No matter the throat vibration
Loud or soft
They return full
of senseless bravado
Wait for them in loneliness 
They always bark
At a second’s edge

Barry G. Wick

Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Universe

The Universe

Hi there
Sorry I didn't Know about you
For lots of my early years
I wish I'd been more aware
Then again children must learn
No I never played Beethoven
At age 4 and didn't do him well
Yeah I send my little notes
To you and whomever might
Read them
I've seen your sun
Most impressive
And the moon at night
We little beings think
It's so very romantic
The stars are just amazing
To think there is a strong possibility
There are beings out there
Thinking about the beings
That might be here
Baked at 350 for 16 hours

Barry G. Wick

Saturday, August 10, 2024



Welcome to your profession
If you hit the top
You'll join the excession 
Sitting on your dais of fame
Exhausting all your critics with blame
I prefer the deep of the ocean
When all above has a superior notion
There I am surrounded by shells
Like myself in their pitiful hells
I drank myself into magical stupor
Thinking I was golden and sparkling super
It's here now that I’m nearer finality
What I found of life was ugly brutality
The few that I love were generous and wise
Some young some old who sussed  my disguise

Barry G. Wick

Friday, August 9, 2024



I write silly names
Of people who do not exist
I would tell you about them
I would make up facts
To match the names
It goes too far
They are better faceless
You are better off not knowing
Where they work and live
How they came to live
In your neighborhood
If they spy on you or
Write about your visitors
You're already getting itchy
You haven't even heard
Of him except from me
You don't even know me
Even though my name will appear 
At the bottom of this
It might not even be my name
Just one that fits the space
He's already moved on
From three streets over
It wasn't you he watched
I just made that up
You hope

Barry G Wick

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A life in scars

A life in scars

When old 
and a memory attacks
Remember it's the memory
Of a failed action in the past
That keeps a person
From progression into the future
Worried of failure again 
The citizens
That might need the experience
Won't receive it

It's important lesson
Gets lost in second guessing
Plus the failure of youth
To listen to a voice of experience
Other nations teach reverence
For older citizens

America is all about
The value of beautiful youth
Who know little
And won't learn
Since they've been taught
They are so special.

The mistake is
No one is special
Until the scars show up

Barry G. Wick

Saturday, July 27, 2024



As the words enter my eyes
This book does not register
As a vision of a truck tipped
Full of broken pottery
While the book falls
From my hand to the floor
It's pages are made of clay
Fired in my sleeping brain 
Pick up these pieces
To start the flow of glue
That repairs the pages
Word by word they rise
Solemn they march
Once sharp broken bits 
Show their scars to the audience
See the miracle they say
In a husky voice now charged
Retelling the story once lost
Almost tossed in a bin
For burial in a plastic tomb
By metal dinosaurs 
Who won't read their story

Barry G. Wick

Friday, July 26, 2024



This feeling
Is gray smoke
Just enough to notice
A faint odor of something burnt
The way my lover left me
Invisible flame extinguished
Just waiting for the pain
To last this many years

Barry G. Wick

Sunday, July 21, 2024


There is nothing you can give yourself

That is superior to time alone

To appreciate the universal gift

Of life.

Barry G. Wick

Sunday, July 7, 2024

I Am A Monk

I Am A Monk
(for my children who are confounded by their father)

Be still with know where I am...keep breathing...”--Imogen Heap

I am a monk
without chanting sutras,
without simple robes,
or affectatious langot.
There is no exact word
to describe the faith
I practice. Some are close.
Ranjung sangay?
The self-enlightened?
The path of self-enlightenment?
I would be a poor choice
for such great words.
My study wat
is an old trailer⁰
where I cannot kneel,
where there are no devotees
to help with my simple needs.
There are no attachments
or so I think
as I examine everything within
or attempt to suspend the world.
Unlike a real monk
I cannot walk my city with a bowl;
I need and sometimes carry money.
In this obsessed society
it is not begging to accept money
since cooked rice and vegetables
rarely come or survive in the mail.
Those who give to me
practice their faith in generosity
and reveal truth in charity.
For the few who serve me
I give what I simply can:
a poem,
a caring ear,
a kind word,
my time,
confused attempts at love,
a smile.
I wasn't always on this path.
It would be impossible
to explain my life to others:
the silence of selflessness,
the study of what's inside,
the walk inside a cage.
I fail every day to match ideals
of monks around the world.
I do aspire to a higher way;
to answers that complete me.
I claim no awareness or
Normal clothing will cover me.
It's not important for others
to recognize me by my exterior.
Many will judge me
with or without robes
and the trappings of a religious.
As a teen,
I once told my mother
I wanted to live in a monastery;
the undiscovered truth I later found
was to get away from her.
Not being Catholic, Thai Buddhist,
our own Congregational Christianity,
some other religious group
with monasteries, I never
found pantheists who share
in communities. Some may exist.
My back on a lawn
in the starlit dark of night
is a way for me
to partially glimpse gODD.
I have achieved the basic
requirements of such a life
without the company of
other monks.
I contemplate and pray.
I read lessons that come
or are presented before me.
I learn from everything
what it is to live striving
for an ideal I'll never achieve.
My monk's name
was given to me by my parents
and those who came before me.
Out of respect for their paths,
right or wrong,
I now keep the name
in reverence for their sacrifices
that put me here,
unable to walk the road
or to visit those who need me
in my advanced years.
My service is simple
without desires for fame or wealth.
What I create is free.
What I take comes freely to me.
I spent much of my previous life
failing at everything I touched.
I was greedy, egotistic, glutinous,
foolish, caddish, and more.
I am accepting now
that I've found where I belong.
I am alone;
with or without
friends and family,
sitting with my experiences.
While I listen for a priest
ringing a bell,
here it becomes birdsong,
squirrel chatter,
wind rippling the metal roof,
the frozen noises
of the siding that complains,
falling icicles, thunder, rain,
voices in a dream or on radio,
music of every student,
even the professional ones.
All sounds come from gODD
in a vast spectrum of the visible
and invisible.
Sometimes a person becomes
what they once thought they
wanted to be and never expected.
I am a monk.

Barry G. Wick

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Poet's Strike

[Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has vetoed $32 million for the arts in Florida]

The Poet's Strike

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ABarry G. Wick

Tuesday, June 18, 2024



I know parts of this nation
On its roads and highways
In some shaded forests
The paths were not beaten
Except by me often alone

This desire to move there
Here and there any there
Is strongest when movement
Is no longer possible
When age’s match just smokes

Roads rattle me even on trips
To get groceries from a store
Just a short mile away
Then the urge to go farther
Belittles these baby steps

I think of South Dakota
Where I was born
Only to leave over issues
Cloudy and full of lightning
Prairie worms easily pass

Surprised as the flash
Strikes the far hills
Ì dream of riding that
Stalk of light and noise
In it's short and sudden life

Barry G. Wick

Saturday, June 8, 2024

In the Dark

In the Dark

Coming and going, coming and going
The sound of engines and tires I'm Knowing
In the dark of the night as I lay on my right
They comfort me some out of dreams that are done

Pitched high or pitched low the traffic will go
America moves night and day don't ya know
Cross Iowa's land that's growing your food
As I lay on my bed in a fitful dream mood

Down in the dark these words make a mark
My fingers I tap with my hands on my lap
The sheets at my back this glow on the map
Unseen and unheard as I type my next word

Barry G. Wick

Friday, June 7, 2024

A Pattern for Silence

A Pattern for Silence

There is a pattern for silence
In the way I walk through
A hair stand of ponderosas that
Blocks the sounds of the world
At five thousand feet
Above sea level
Unimportant sea level
With the sound of the creek
Clacking boulders in the night
The sliding door open
To the lower lawn
A yawn fighting the shake
Of shoulders 

Barry G. Wick

Monday, June 3, 2024

The Three-sided Coin

The Three-sided Coin

Deep in my pocket
Lays a gilded dream
Two distinct faces
That fill an invisible third
It's no secret that I lived
In three places at once
Three dreams

The love of words
Came late to me
After music after boys
I could not openly caress
Three sides are now evolved
Into the one that forms
This creation

It is my hope to leave
The simple thoughts I have
After my years upon
This miracle of life
In awe of the heavens
I decided not to explain
Unknown Godd

There were many times
I prayed to all the affections 
Created by others far above
The simplicity of my being
I imagined answers
Came to me which
Escaped me

Beyond this moment
Lies the deepest black
Unfiltered and unnoticed
As it slipped into that day
Spending this Coin
I am with it
Shopping eternity

Barry G. Wick

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Doorbell Rings

The Doorbell Rings

If I had a doorbell
My eleven year old self
Would ring it while I was reading
A book by a Buddhist advisor
What do I do with the feeling
Of being interrupted
I'm expecting a visit

I discover the doorbell 
Doesn't work
Graciously inviting me
To knock hoping I'll
Come open the door
Or should I just turn
The metal know to find me

Opening I instantly recognize me
But I squint turning my head
Back and forth
Up and down
I've seen my face my whole life
But I've never seen my old face
From eyes at eleven years old

I'm fourth or fifth grade
Old me is seventy-some grade
There is instant fear
I tell him to go back only
To return tomorrow
Neither of me
Knows what to say

He/me walks down the ramp
Head lowered just a bit
I/him close the door
My eyes wide and stunned
The couch finds my back
My eyes find that book
Thus endeth the lesson 

Barry G. Wick

Somewhere Godd Sits

Somewhere Godd Sits

Somewhere Godd sits
On a clump of galaxies
As if they were flowers
In a meadow
He looks across the valley
to see another hillside
Where the photons sparkle
He's crumpled this area
Far too long 
This glow of bright petals
Could dim under his weight

In the distance He hears
A flute sing
Perhaps this player
Will write more of these notes
Than Mozart did
Godd is hope
For great composers
On all living planets
He creates the creators 
Turning hand-like powers
This way and that
Even He fails perfection
Every so often
So He leaves some music
For his varied populations to discover
That's His generosity

His Wife looks at the chasm of stars
Knowing She allows His ego
To think it all belongs to Him
He'd be surprised at who plays
This flautic melody 
She returns to Her garden
A bit cross she has to fluff
These stars again
On His favorite pillow
Now she hums a simple tune
This time He doesn't hear
Her soft music
He's creating planets again

Barry G.Wick

Thursday, May 2, 2024



It's important to feel
The pain of rejection
Because it's the only way
I can control my thoughts
And feelings

I reject myself
I don't belong
Being is punishment

Barry G. Wick

Monday, April 29, 2024



“There's only one life and this is it.” --Allen Ginsberg

You got yer exit here
You got yer exit there
You dance all around
Until yer body's found

Barry G. Wick

Friday, April 26, 2024

Rain Sound

Rain Sound

Who needs sound
Besides the deaf
For whom any sound
Becomes love 
Even explosions
First heard
would be an orgasm

The resident of the city
Listens to prerecorded rain
To fall asleep
The lonely rancher
Needs the occasional
Bellow from a steer
That makes its sounds
Knowing it's missing
Parts of anatomy taken
When just prancing prairie-ful

In the hills I heard the creek
At night shoving boulders
Thumping in argument
With the water that demands
Respect for its ability to control
The shape of the canyon
That sleep differed from the city
Where I learned to sleep
With traffic and drunk screams
At midnight as I tossed in the heat

Rain on the roof 
of my home In iowa
Makes me wonder
If a hidden tornado
Will toss me as if 
I was a spark from a camp fire
Flying upwards ready to burn out

The distant sound of tires
Against hard concrete
Sings to me at Night
As America falls asleep
Waiting for delivery
Of a pillow that yells
At a sleeping head
“Wake up, I hear rain.”
With me tossing and adjusting
As I calm its fears

Barry G. Wick

Monday, April 22, 2024



On this river that drains
From the port where we dock
To the old ship once prowled
There is a way to sail through
With help for a berthing

It is the dredge that clears
A channel for ship on the sea
Even now a sail cannot be seen
To be certain rough hands
Will do their digging 

Nobody wants to see the truth
Brought up from the bottom
For everyone to see it's colors
Deposited on the shore
They just want a clean channel

Our ship raised a flag to say
What it believes in the waves
And while the waters try to fill
What was hidden in the depths
The channel is open for all

Barry G. Wick

Wednesday, April 17, 2024



“In Paradise, roasted pigeons fly into your mouth.”--Werner Herzog in Fata Morgana

A fly once flew into my mouth
I think a bee or wasp
It's been long ago
Since then I've been
Able to keep my mouth shut
Only my fingers slam out words
That I can't retract
Some I chew on for years
Some actions also

Its those pigeons I worry about
Are the bones soft
Is there any lead shot
Hiding in the wings
And feathers
We're they plucked before cooking

Is Herzog watching me
Or is he throwing those pigeons
At people who made it to paradise
But the first thing is a bird
Slammed into my mouth
I'm against forced feeding
Especially when I'm dead
Or about to be

Let me go someplace
Without the rats of the air
And just who besides Herzog
Thinks force feeding pigeons
Is an elegant action in paradise
Is paradise a place to eat
I want to read the review
In the Times or Tribune
Is there only pigeon
Or something else on the menu
If godd controls this place
What's he got against pigeons
That he has to kack and roast them
Woo, this place might not be for me
I come from beef country
Imagine getting hit in the pie hole
With a twelve hundred pound
Barbequed steer hooves and all
More sauce please

Barry G. Wick

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Glowing Paper

Glowing Paper--(a really stupid poem)

Books get wet
Bugs eat books
People burn books
Books go to the trash
The mail loses books
Paper books turn to dust
Special paper may save books

I write on glowing paper
And am perfectly happy
To have the bomb make
All that I write disappear
In a white flash
Like what I write on
Only brighter

The shadows I create
Lose their meaning
Once the fingers 
Go on to the next glow
And the next chemical brain plug-in
Where the finger never gets wet
To turn the page with its tiny
Electrical charge detected

I disappear for my reader
Turning into an invisible character
In a video distribution
Of words that I make now
With my muscles
From brain to finger

What will you collect of me
The skin cells that fall from my organs
On the carpet of my mobile home
My shoes and breechcloths
The greatest prize for collectors
Will be my two jockstraps
That could never make me
Look like a Bob Miser model

It's time to yawn enough
To pull the comforter over
My body in bed where
Everyone is headed with
Their phones and tablets
Filled with glowing paper

Barry G. Wick

Sunday, March 24, 2024

The Sky at Night

The Sky at Night

At best 
A comfortable bed leads to
Thinking of a thousand questions
For whomever lives on a planet
Revolving around that star
Stared at for hours
Laying on the grass
Of a small observatory

At its worst
A religion is formed
After which the spreading
Of an insipid pile of mental dung
To the tribe in surrounding tents
Builds a worldwide following
Each tribe changes the story
To suit their own creation

Every question founded
Forces another question
To the surface of this puddle
The answer is the same
Absurdity prevails as paddling
Pushes every thought
Farther from the edge
Of a home that's warm and simple

Even these words have changed
From the first inspiration
That created the dawn
That breaks sleep upon this grass
The door opens the car starts
As the highway to a temporary home
Clicks with a familiar tone
Adding music to confusion

Barry G. Wick

Saturday, March 23, 2024



All that I sense becomes a memory
From the past
Dipping in and out
Of the present just as
The sun finds a hole
In grey clouds
That makes the future
Worth the hope for which I pay

This comes from the pandemic
When I sealed myself away
Inside my home
Draping myself in silence
Entombed in my own words
Like a man in a small town
who yelled at a street corner
No one stopped to listen

People have real problems
When others just talk at
Each other in monumental halls
Nothing gets solved
I could but I'm tired of all sides
Who also hide in themselves
From what they really want
In the open and alone

Barry G. Wick

Monday, March 11, 2024

Striped Sky

Striped Sky

Over Iowa now
High aircraft put long stripes
In a cloudless sky
Six or more at a time
I come to the porch today
Hoping it's the special day
I'll see polka dots

Is it too much to ask for them
To stitch me a blanket
Of clouds
To drape my home
In flowers
In colored needlepoint
For spring

Barry G. Wick

Friday, March 8, 2024

The Scars

The Scars

As an old man I have
Memories of life and adventure
In this new age of instant visions
I've seen a photo
Of a naked twenty-something
Peter Hujar running
In his photo from the Met
An unprompted artist
Like me
His beautiful body should not
Be my desire
Because I know the truth
With a capital T

As age, isolation, and failing health
Can't entice any friendship
Such a sudden image delivery
Only reminds me of the travails
Of my youth witnessed by the scars
Both outside my empained frame
And the ones unseen
That I carry to remind me
How I must live now without
A careless walk through 
Mental jungles and those dangerous
Smooth lawns throwing and hitting
The balls of game and competition

Surely an old man could love
Though an older man 
With his own scars of battle
Would be more appropriate
As I review my own marks
Upon my aching physique
And a soul whose thunder
Is rolling away hectare by hectare
In remembrance of storms
No longer sending me
To seek the shelter of known
And unknown gods and spirits

A young man will find his own
Many years in the future
If he's careful to value every gift
I will continue the last crawl
Only searching for a worthy end

Another image comes to mind
I think how lucky Whitman was
To have the help of Bill Duckett
Who posed for Thomas Eakins
In the same natural clothes
I have seen today
Old Walt was closer to a dream
Than I will ever be

I only have to sit granite still
As memory's attack begins
All the marks are gently reviewed
I am their victim and joyful subject
Filled with life that continues
To massage my scars
From a cloudy sky
To a bright blue morning

Barry G. Wick

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Blind Clocks

Blind Clocks

Don't remember me
Take me off the books
There is nothing to believe in
Hold onto something in your world
I was not worthy or excited
About anything beyond my 30s
Our lips never melted together
As the heat of youth dissipated

Don't be sad
Nor shed a tear at my end
I was just another in a long line
Of forgettables
Stones sit above the graves
Until the weather wears them
No one will understand the writing
Of this dead language

What did I do for you
Ah I mourned you in my days
Your gifts were so simple
As I was falling in love
But we missed each other
In this psychotic life
Passing through a few years
When our faces were closer

We didn't see each other
As the swirl around us took
Our attentions away from
The important things 
We needed them less so
Losing moments that surrounded
Clocks ticked our seconds away
Their blind faces became ours

Barry G. Wick

Friday, March 1, 2024



Here we crawl
On our small world
Angry at each other
Eating our young
In war and uncaring ways
Should the universe
Reexamine its creation
There's no doubt
It's enormous mind would
Find a way to correct
These false directions
It will work in its own time
Or not
Best to ignore this mess
There are more important
Worlds to create
Where mistakes learned
Won't interfere
Time to clean my antennae

Barry G. Wick

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Winter Sun

Winter Sun

Winter sun surprises me
In Iowa this year
February is not a time
To sun on the porch
Thoughts of summer
Come back to my world
Surprise is just days away
When we return to snow
Cold wind will blow
A natural confusion expected
Dear me
How long will it be
For another warm day


Sunday, February 18, 2024



From birth you learn
How to control others
As they control you
With rules of everything

Who knows how many
Rules you taught others

Some will be free
To ride a bicycle nude
Some will be uneasy
Just thinking about that

Religion is a controller
With its black book

Nature can slap hard
With poison plants
Kicking and biting
Crushing in all forms

A thrown rock that hits
Is a lifetime remembered

The joy of music
Will swallow your mind
Or be a door to godd
Vibration is all around

Every atom shakes us
Or twirls it's cosmic baton

We spend our lives
In search of keys
To unlock answers 
That never will be known

The mind-cuffs grow 
In units of heavy time

Barry G. Wick

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Black Malo: unrequited love

Black Malo: unrequited love

Between lives and beach
He wears a black Malo
With front flap to knees
A second in the back
With strap of cloth folds
Connecting to the knot
Which runs loose between 
The loaves of his buttocks
As he draws in a breath
Scented by thoughts of me
In drape of fundoshi flowers
With his arms as they wave
In red light at sunset
From his lonely dance
As play steps aside
When dream's leaves
Are my rough fingers that
Sail around his brown skin

Barry G. Wick

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

From the Closed Door

From the Closed Door

Nothing moves as fast
As the winter sun
Shadows on the porch
Playing a game of hide
Of which there is no seek
Until night wonders
Where they've gone
Suddenly lonely
And late for a feast
The line of darkness
Eats the screws by ones
So  tasty for gobbling shade
A seatless chair in and out
Ruined by wet snow
Where no one sits to explain
Why they won't fix it
Maybe in spring it thinks
“Maybe I'll be useful in spring”

Barry G. Wick

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Just Missing

Just Missing

The trees sway
As my life slips ungracefully
Through the needles
To places where leaves
Caress me 
I am a breeze away from you
Yet my lips cannot touch
Their desire
Or say anything to join
Your flight 
Only now the rush of wind
Gets me close 
Then carry me far away from
The fields of waving love

Barry G. Wick

Monday, January 29, 2024



There's a bill to pay
Every day
In order to live
On some days
It's electricity
With dollars that came
From somewhere
Other days it's silence
Which are paid for
With mental games
Jerking the past
Forwards and backwards
Then there are friends
Who are rented with smiles
A cup of coffee
And open ears
There comes a day
When all these are disconnected
The lights are on
But nothing makes sense
And we turn them off 
There are no smiles
It's all silence
Full of chaos
Yet no door knocks
Coffee alone
Sitting in the dark
Nothing from the past
Is worth remembering
It is the time
When all the sins
Come due
There are no angels
There is no Jesus
Hiding in the wallet

Barry G. Wick

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Why End Life in Fear

Why End Life in Fear

Why end life in fear
Of nothing
Or what is next you'll miss
Stand your ground in loneliness
Or surrounded by family
There is an opportunity
For gratitude
To thank all who helped
Get you to the same
Experience they faced
It's possible to look
At an empty ceiling
And whisper to the power
Of the universe
Of which you saw so little
Your final thoughts
Of gratitude
To repair all the sour feelings
That crossed your mind
To repair your confusions
To repair the anger
Thought in foolishness
Bless your body
Bless your brain
As they die
Pretend they were fish
Swimming upstream
Failing to see what 
Was behind them

Barry G. Wick

Saturday, January 20, 2024



Michelangelo revealed
Adam getting the spark of life
From God in the cloudy heavens.
It wasn't life.
Adam was hoping for meaning.
“What's the point?” asks Adam.
“Here is the garden
Full of animals, birds, bugs.
There's fruit of every kind.
I got me a woman.
Yeah, you were mad when
Me and her bit the apple,
But I've come back to you
For that special spark.”

Now, notice the gap
Between Adam's finger
And his Supreme being buddy
(Or lover)
From whom or who
Which is it?
Anyway, that bearded guy.
Is he the one I see every morning
In the mirror?
Shit, I can't touch him.
“You, too?” asks Adam.

Barry G. Wick

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Little Anthems

Little Anthems

Sing the song of day
We have no where to go
Taste all the wine you may
The winds upon your face will blow

To alleyways or streets of gold
We take our trade it's true
There's nothing here that makes us old
We're just the young our crew
Guitar and drum the trumpets blare
You can't forget we're here
Our style is this: clothes or bare
It's what you always fear

Plan now to let us through
These streets belong to us
Accuse us of a life that's new
We're bound to make you blush

Barry G. Wick