
Thank you to those who support me via my Paypal account: The government doesn't read my poetry. You do. Out of over 560 poems here on this blog by me, I hope you find one or more you like. Thank you for my readers. Thank you for your comments.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Fateful Event

Fateful Event

Dr. J. Robert O father of the bomb
Walks into your living room
With a box that displays a red button
“You can destroy all who hate” he says
“By pressing what's here my friend”
How long will you think how long
Is it simple or difficult for you
You're not at war though the world
Is full of hate when the moment
Becomes a check on you
“May I ask you questions Dr. O?”
“More?” He says “More questions?”
Is it warmer next to your gadget?

It's all he seems to do you think
So you have the warm covers
To which you turn again and again
They'll protect you from hate
No need to use the bomb
When hiding is more powerful
Then in the Bhagavad Gita
“I am become covers of warm beds
To return to time after time
The destroyer of cold toes and
Things that go bump in the night”

Barry G. Wick

Monday, November 27, 2023



Hark the Herald angels
Santa Claus is coming to town
Born in a manger
Signaled by a star in the east
Next to the new Wal-Mart

Barry G. Wick

Saturday, November 25, 2023



A few billion photons
Will hit a polished surface
To reflect someplace
Where the movements attract
My eyes

It is the same with people
II see what they reflect
Good or bad
Some reflections
Become rainbows
I see them and smile
From my dark life
Knowing the universe
Loves the colors
As much as I do

Barry G. Wick

Monday, November 20, 2023



It's great to be nobody
Who lives alone
Who has no one
Who has no arguments
Except in the silence
With dark days and rain
Of no importance
It's a great time of life
To be alone with the mind
Except the days
With memories of a past
Full of mistakes and stupidity

Then I see Wanbli soaring
By the window
As he searches his valley
Along the creek
I feel he is my lifeblood
Come to visit
To take away this nobody
Inside of me
To screech his greeting
Sitting on the fir
Next to the house
He is the king
And I am his servant
It's all there is
To have a great life
As I scout 
the water’s edge
for big fish that jump
Into the talons
Of his majesty

Barry G. Wick

Thursday, November 9, 2023

The Dreamer's Alien Abduction

The Dreamer's Alien Abduction

Upon his side a dreamer travels
Through unknown rooms and hills
He tells the truth to his partners
Even when he doubts his words

He wants confrontation from haze
That invisible creature of sleep
Cool air sits in light breezes
No sun shines on fellow dreamers

He learns the earth is a ranch
Where food takes  self-care
Feeding itself others and plants
While waiting for the taking

So lost with laughs at odd words
Because there is no truth
Just the images of dreams
Odd and otherwise at night

Laugh if you must at this
But is it known deep down
What happens when others
Disappear in parks and nights

Barry G. Wick

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Creation of a Messiah

Creation of a Messiah

His Father is concerned
For his future as messiah
The heavy feet crush the sand 
Of the desert to fine dust
Since a desert is a good messianic
Place to begin as a future godd
He is arrested for wearing
Steel sandals on bulging feet
The arresting officer  keeps
His own feet and toes
Out of the way fearing
What he may do if angered
Not understanding his ability
To heal which will be a quality
Yet to be added to this first draft
A judge just asks him
To take off  this heavy footgear
Donkeys run away wildeyed
Crowds of people having heard
Of his prospective powers are shocked
When in his presence
Seeing the rope around his robe
Stretched tight to restrain his bulk
His Father is convinced he may become
An example for fat priests
Giving sermons in over-designed edifices
He rises through the clouds
Suspended by a tall crane
It's his way of getting to heaven
Without any miracle crap
That has become so boring

Barry G. Wick