
Thank you to those who support me via my Paypal account: The government doesn't read my poetry. You do. Out of over 560 poems here on this blog by me, I hope you find one or more you like. Thank you for my readers. Thank you for your comments.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Hosing It Away

Hosing It Away

I rinse the night
As one might wash a driveway
Dreams flow to the gutter
Of morning
On their way to the sewer
Their life is better than mine
Full of people with no purpose
Unlike me who moves
From unfocused room
To blurry staircase
Shifting panels
Of relentless triptychs
Their liquid paint
Drips from my sleepless sunrise
Steel yourself sir
This prison and it's fears
Awaits your decision
Cereal or pancakes
Two or three eggs
Potatoes or leftover biscuit
Coffee or tea
All the important choices
Behind the scrim
That hides your shadow
From this audience

Barry G Wick

Wednesday, December 15, 2021


Twisted brown ghosts 
Swirl in the street
Then one direction up
Then down to the corner
Some jump around
The railings of the ramp
I sit waiting for their message
A few dance up to me
Who wonders what they think
Of a man who enters
His 71st year
They only had one summer
Each screaming their green joy
In the sun whose trip
Brought warmth to this town
Now life bent them
Into dry curved phantoms
That haunt me in a fall wind
There is no moaning
Or distant vocal tunes
They have no mouths
But speak to me of days ahead
When they will crumble
Like my old bones 
In coming years
Around whose porch will I be blown

Barry G Wick

Sunday, December 12, 2021



For what I am about to receive
I will truly be grateful

For what I have received
I am truly grateful

For those who raised me
I am truly grateful

For those who befriended me
I am truly grateful

For those who taught me
I am truly grateful

For those who endured me
I apologize

For those I wronged
I am sorry

For those who love me
I love you more

For those who hate me
I have changed

For those who pity me
I have everything I need

For those who fear me
I am no longer what I was

For those who come after me
I am forgettable

For those who question me
I no longer have answers

For those who remain
I saw a different world

For those who explore
I prayed to the universe

Barry G Wick

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Racing Thoughts

Racing Thoughts

And coming to the straightaway
It's a memory in a bar
from year 21
Followed by saying no
To a family friend
Parked in an A&W drive in
They are neck and neck
Speeding to the finish line
When now streaks in front
And makes them crash
Just before the finish line
Now does that all the time
It should be banned
From the speedway
The race is over
Now takes us back
To the studio
Atop my fantastic bed
At just after five in the morning

Barry G.Wick

Tuesday, December 7, 2021



I am an old photograph
In a closet
Passed around electric
Torn upon the floor
In an old building
Filed in a discarded book
That slowly decays
Nothing can bring me
Back to life
By the time
You see me
Everyone will have forgotten
The way I laughed
The sound of my voice
The list of my loves
Or what I'd eat for breakfast
I wrote this already dead
My bones became dust
When the title was written
I'm sorry I can't touch you
Or caress your skin
With my rough lips
As we share our beds
I neither care about
Or listen to news
On the radio
In a video
I am not heard
I am not seen
I claim no grave
Nor space in the minds
Of my descendants
My dreams are all black
Printed on failed atoms
Split for new stars
Come here now
I call for you
Be nothing today
Evaporate into meaninglessness
We will be happy together

Barry G. Wick