Shutdown the government say some
Let the halls become silent and dark
Return this nation to what was here before
Indigenous folk are ready rubbing hands
Around their waists are chains covered
In shiny new padlocks and handcuffs
Throw away the words of the Declaration
And burn all copies of the Constitution
If they want it back there will have to be
New documents that stand for the truth
How does anyone shut down equality
Turn out the lights on already blind justice
Where shall we meet to decide how poor
Elderly citizens will starve in cold homes
Who will become strange fruit in hot sun
Box freedom telling people that is all
There's only so much to go around today
Be sure to shred all the money in banks
Melt all the coins and turn in all bonds
Nothing has value until a new government
Let us gather to decide what this all means
There are no leaders so shut the old away
Until the nobodys filter to a new voice
Better than Franklin and good old George
All books of law are full of worms and wrong
There are no bills to pay until value establishes
In something better than gold, silver, and paper
With simple words agreed to write it all away
Start it over to never care for your security
Let the States all die until a king is found
Make just one man decide for all people
Who will live and who will die by any decree
Line the naysayers up against existing walls
Bullets are free for believers to exterminate
All the children they want to bleed on streets
The victims no longer exist since power is all
The enemies come across all borders in peace
Willing to die for the nothing that now is wrought
Stone, paper, leather parchment cannot hold
What these acclaimed people glue with dust
Barry G. Wick