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Saturday, April 6, 2024

Glowing Paper

Glowing Paper--(a really stupid poem)

Books get wet
Bugs eat books
People burn books
Books go to the trash
The mail loses books
Paper books turn to dust
Special paper may save books

I write on glowing paper
And am perfectly happy
To have the bomb make
All that I write disappear
In a white flash
Like what I write on
Only brighter

The shadows I create
Lose their meaning
Once the fingers 
Go on to the next glow
And the next chemical brain plug-in
Where the finger never gets wet
To turn the page with its tiny
Electrical charge detected

I disappear for my reader
Turning into an invisible character
In a video distribution
Of words that I make now
With my muscles
From brain to finger

What will you collect of me
The skin cells that fall from my organs
On the carpet of my mobile home
My shoes and breechcloths
The greatest prize for collectors
Will be my two jockstraps
That could never make me
Look like a Bob Miser model

It's time to yawn enough
To pull the comforter over
My body in bed where
Everyone is headed with
Their phones and tablets
Filled with glowing paper

Barry G. Wick

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