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Monday, April 4, 2016

Love Rant

Why can't I be beautiful
with my loaves of fat
buttered around my body

Why can't I be loved
because I have places
you can love those skinny boys
never will see on themselves

Why can't I be touched
because my skin feels the same
its not hard and bony

Why can't I be your teacher
because I've lived though
what you've never seen
know what you do not

Why can't I be your friend
because I do not have one
since I'm old enough
to have had many friends die

Why can't you love me
with my octopus knees
my limps with a groan
pain-filled feet
on stumps of trees

Why must love shave me
this beard has its secrets
my mustache rakes you close

Why do you stay away
just a few miles not far
because there you are safe
because here you are loved

Barry G. Wick

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