
Thank you to those who support me via my Paypal account: The government doesn't read my poetry. You do. Out of over 560 poems here on this blog by me, I hope you find one or more you like. Thank you for my readers. Thank you for your comments.

Saturday, August 24, 2024



I write to put poetry
Into the world
Put himself out of this world
He wrote when I did not

This remembers him
This apologizes for my mistake
I invited him for sex
It ended our friendship

He wrote better poetry
He would write better poetry
But he's no longer alive
To open his palette of images

I found out his absence 
Years after I had known him
An old friend dismissed
By time and wrongs

There would be no recovery
If he were still alive
As I retry that scene
That never fails to float

Barry G. Wick

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Painful Memory

Painful Memory 

The words march
Through this pain filled head
As images thunder 
On the street lined with history
How could this have been stopped
Certainly not at that distant time
It only would have been replaced
With another soul pounder
Dust is result
So maybe dust will stop it

There is a crush that comes
Over the hills of friendship
That is seen behind
Through life like picked weeds
They are seen in their death
Just because words were exchanged
Or arms and lips touched
Their lives ended because
What one of us said
Explained in the momentous feelings

Directed to leave this time
None of it happens
They remain as if endeared
To the crunch of bone
And the tearing of flesh
No matter what screams
No matter the throat vibration
Loud or soft
They return full
of senseless bravado
Wait for them in loneliness 
They always bark
At a second’s edge

Barry G. Wick

Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Universe

The Universe

Hi there
Sorry I didn't Know about you
For lots of my early years
I wish I'd been more aware
Then again children must learn
No I never played Beethoven
At age 4 and didn't do him well
Yeah I send my little notes
To you and whomever might
Read them
I've seen your sun
Most impressive
And the moon at night
We little beings think
It's so very romantic
The stars are just amazing
To think there is a strong possibility
There are beings out there
Thinking about the beings
That might be here
Baked at 350 for 16 hours

Barry G. Wick

Saturday, August 10, 2024



Welcome to your profession
If you hit the top
You'll join the excession 
Sitting on your dais of fame
Exhausting all your critics with blame
I prefer the deep of the ocean
When all above has a superior notion
There I am surrounded by shells
Like myself in their pitiful hells
I drank myself into magical stupor
Thinking I was golden and sparkling super
It's here now that I’m nearer finality
What I found of life was ugly brutality
The few that I love were generous and wise
Some young some old who sussed  my disguise

Barry G. Wick

Friday, August 9, 2024



I write silly names
Of people who do not exist
I would tell you about them
I would make up facts
To match the names
It goes too far
They are better faceless
You are better off not knowing
Where they work and live
How they came to live
In your neighborhood
If they spy on you or
Write about your visitors
You're already getting itchy
You haven't even heard
Of him except from me
You don't even know me
Even though my name will appear 
At the bottom of this
It might not even be my name
Just one that fits the space
He's already moved on
From three streets over
It wasn't you he watched
I just made that up
You hope

Barry G Wick

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A life in scars

A life in scars

When old 
and a memory attacks
Remember it's the memory
Of a failed action in the past
That keeps a person
From progression into the future
Worried of failure again 
The citizens
That might need the experience
Won't receive it

It's important lesson
Gets lost in second guessing
Plus the failure of youth
To listen to a voice of experience
Other nations teach reverence
For older citizens

America is all about
The value of beautiful youth
Who know little
And won't learn
Since they've been taught
They are so special.

The mistake is
No one is special
Until the scars show up

Barry G. Wick